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See No Evil: The True Story of a Ground Soldier in the CIA's War on Terrorism

See No Evil: The True Story of a Ground Soldier in the CIA's War on Terrorism - Robert Baer former CIA Middle East operative (inspiration for the movie SYRIANA) Robert Baer's NYTimes bestseller SEE NO EVIL reads quickly and well, containing that oft-noticeable hallmark of a good non-fiction account--the writer notes that he was forced to train his writing or felt compelled to write from a very early age. in Baer's case, these were the secret dispatches he sent to Washington from the Middle East, under the belief 'they made or broke his career;' clearly they made it, as he survived multiple rounds of professional change as well as physical danger in the Mid East.

the resulting work is sort of like [b:Bourne Identity|7869|The Bourne Identity (Jason Bourne, #1)|Robert Ludlum|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1335860740s/7869.jpg|859111] non-fiction style. Baer clearly had his brush-ins with the hand of fate, and he interacted with some of the most dangerous forces in the world. you don't always feel he's always right in everything he says, but his capacity to point out the obvious drama and his awareness of global political issues invites sympathy from the reader.

containing an overarching plot line that would respectable in a professionally written novel, SEE NO EVIL clearly deserved its NYTimes bestseller status and launched Baer's career as a populist hero